Nestled among the mountains of the Western Ghats, lies Wayanad, which can be considered as the biggest hill station of Kerala. This green paradist, located at a distance of 76 kms. from the coast of Kozhikode, lies at a height of 700-2100 m. above sea level. The name Wayanad is believed to have been derived from the word, Vayalnadu, meaning the land of paddy fields. Snuggled amidst the Western Ghats Mountains, Wayanad is one of the exquisite hill stations of Kerala. It is a revenue state due to foreign exchange of cash crops such as vanilla, tea, coffee, pepper, cardamom and many other condiments. Wayanad shelters endangered species as it has an amazing range of flora and fauna. Wildlife aficionados and nature lovers will find Wayanad wildlife sanctuaries as the right place of visit. The place enjoys a pleasant climate the whole year. |